During Christmas time Saimaanranta Resort will have several buffets that also people who aren't staying at our hotel can attend. Outsiders need to book the dinners beforehand. More info about buffet times and prices can be found in Saimaanranta Resort's website.
This Christmas we will also have vegan buffet option. Vegan buffet needs to be reserved beforehand.
Menu for Christmas Day
Herring assortment G,d
Gravlax G,d
Smoked salmon salad G,d
Chicken salad G,d
Rosolli salad L,G
Mushroom salad L,G
Green salad G,d
Christmas ham L
Carrot cassarole L
Rutabaga cassarole L
Sweetened potato cassarole L
Karelian hot pot G,d
Pike with white wine sauce L,G
Potatoes G,d
Fruit salad G,d
Plum curd L,G
Christmas plum pastry L
Gingerbread cookies L
Coffee, tea
l = lactose-free g = gluten-free d=dairy-free
Vegan Menu for Christmas Day
Green salad
Potato salad
Fava bean pâté
Rosolli salad
Mushroom salad
Marinated olives
Roasted cheese-root vegetable salad
Tomato-root vegetable casserole
Vegan stuffed meatloaf, mushroom sauce
Rutabaga casserole
Carrot casserole
Glogg cheesecake
Oriental fruit salad
Coffee, tea
This menu is completely vegan and gluten-free