
Following in the footsteps of Alvar and Aino Aalto - The collaboration between the Aaltos and Ahlström

Von 20 €

Architects Alvar Aalto and his wife, architect Aino Aalto, had a fruitful collaboration with Ahlström for a long time. This collaboration gave birth to masterpieces of Finnish architecture and design, which are introduced initially in the Ahlström Voyage exhibition. The exhibition displays, among other things, prototype Aalto vases and the Aaltos' original drawings of iconic glassware. After that, the tour continues on foot to admire the exterior of the guesthouse Vainiola and the world-famous Villa Mairea.

The guided walking tour lasts approximately 90 minutes. The walking distance in the area is approximately two kilometers.

Wo in Finnland?
Passende Erfahrung in April, May, June, July, August, September, October

Ahlströmin ruukki

Laviantie 14, 29600 Noormarkku
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