
Saimaa Geopark site Enkelinpesä


For those looking for a special day trip destination, Enkelinpesä is a great choice. The human figure spreading their wings, the large erratic boulder, and the ledge cave with a campfire spot make an impressive sight.

Enkelinpesä is a large, veined gneiss erratic boulder with a ledge cave which, according to oral tradition, was used as a shelter against persecutors during the Great Northern War. There are ambiguous red marks on the cave walls which are presumed to depict a human figure.

Enkelinpesä is one of the Saimaa Geopark sites.

Enkelinpesä is along the Hiidenmaa and Metsänväkitaival trails. There is a small hut, a fireplace, and benches under the ledged cave.

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