
Café Vaaran Tupa

At the top of the Vuokatti hill hid­den by fros­ty trees, shel­te­red by pa­ti­na­ted log walls, the­re is an warm­ly at­mosp­he­re that can­not be desc­ri­bed, it must be ex­pe­rien­ced.

The litt­le red log ca­bin is a char­ming pla­ce on the top of the Vuokatti hill. You can en­joy the beau­ti­ful sce­ne­ry of Vuo­kat­ti and ca­fe­te­ria ser­vi­ces on the new lands­ca­pe ter­ra­ce of the Ca­fe Vaa­ran Tu­pa.

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Vuokatinvaarantie 17, 88610 Vuokatti
Besök hemsida