
Unique saunas in Lakeland – from north to south

Take a tour of some of the most unique saunas in Lakeland.

Credits: Projectico / Panko Concept

Starting Point: Ukkohalla
5-7 days

Journey: Unique saunas in Lakeland – from north to south

Sauna is one of the most famous things in Finland and a cultural treasure Finns have cherished for centuries. In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of saunas in this little Nordic country of ours. In this journey. we have gathered a selection of unique and traditional public saunas to explore in the Lakeland area. This tour will relax both the body and the mind. We start north in Ukkohalla near Lapland and end the tour in Lahti, just one hour north of Helsinki.
Sauna World & Spa
Ukkohalla Sauna World and Spa
Ukkohalla's SaunaWorld offers an opportunity to experience nine different saunas in one place. Don't miss the opportunity to try a traditional Finnish sauna, a steam sauna, a cave sauna, and many more!

Travel trip:

From Ukkohalla, we recommend continuing your sauna tour south to the city of Kuopio. The fastest way is by car – the ride takes about three hours.

Other highlights along the route

Here are some suggestions of other sauna-themed places to visit along the route as well as restaurant and accommodation suggestions.
Vanai Bistro & Bastu Restaurant
Vanai Bistro & Bastu Restaurant