
Hamina Museum Street


Hamina Museum Street, Kadettikoulunkatu from the Town Hall to the intersection of Erottajankatu, literally exudes history. Wars and soldiers have shaped Hamina's appearance over time. The city has Finland's oldest continuously operating garrison, which has been hosted by Swedish, Russian, Finnish and, for a short time, German soldiers as well. All have left their marks in a period of time lasting more than 300 years. The fingerprints of different eras can be seen in buildings, structures, monuments and the environment.

The Museum Street is about 500 meters long, it starts at the intersection of Town Hall Square and Kadettikoulunkatu. The street is a straight, paved road that is easy to navigate even with assistive devices. All fixed signs can be found immediately along the street.

Threre are four museums to visit nearby.

Hamina Town Museum, open year round.The permanent exhibition of the museum presents the history of the Hamina region from prehistory to modern times, and introduces

both famous and less well-known townspeople.

The Shopkeeper’s Museum: In the late 19th and early 20th century,Kasarminkatu was a busy shoppingstreet. With the old store, courtyard residences and outbuildings presents Finnish-Russian merchant traditions of the early 20th century.

The Reserve Officer School Museum ( RUK-museum). The permanent exhibition of the museum presents the history of Reserve Officer training in Hamina from 1920 onward.

Museum of the old veteran: Heritage Center for Peacekeeping and War Veterans.

Where in Finland ?
Suitable experience all year

Haminan kaupungin museot

Kadettikoulunkatu 2, 49400 Hamina
Visit website